Class of 2022

Writing My Journey

"I'm currently pursuing my Master's in Computer Science at Syracuse University, having finished my undergrad at the University of Mumbai in 2015."

RAIT "Soon after graduating, I bagged a position as a software engineer at L&T Infotech, one of the world's premier technology consultancies. Here I had the opportunity to work with renowned experts in the designing and development of innovative new tools and services. During this time, I developed an intra-organization learning tool and helped design the architecture of several bank guarantee services. Subsequently, I was assigned a project with Chevron, Australia, to enhance and migrate their SharePoint sites, improve various internal tools, and design workflows to automate business decisions. My work at LTI led to me receiving multiple accolades within the company, including the "Great Idea" prize, a pat-on-the-back award and a trophy at the organization's annual symposium for exceptional performance."

NIUM "Wanting to experience startup culture, I switched jobs in 2019 to join NIUM, a Tech Unicorn valued above $1b. This move to a smaller team afforded me a wider range of tasks and allowed me to develop a broader perspective towards technology. In my stint there as a backend developer, I designed several microservices and scalable APIs to allow the General Ledger Services to interoperate with other systems. I also modularized and developed open-source packages in Node.js for parsing SWIFT statements. As a result of an auto-reconciliation project that I completed successfully, I was asked to coordinate with the VISA team to reconcile their card transactions, for which I designed a completely automated, PCI-DSS compliant solution deployed on AWS. I was also the point person for integrating payment gateways, analytics tools like Elasticsearch and Kibana, and automating deployment with Jenkins and AWS Fargate."

"I'm extremely passionate about learning new things, and I'd often spend several hours after office practicing my hand on the bleeding edge technologies of the time. Having found an interest in Distributed and Decentralized Systems, I completed an online specialization course on the Ethereum blockchain and Solidity offered by the University at Buffalo. This experience catalyzed my decision to pursue my further studies in the US, and that's how I landed here at Syracuse."

"I'm currently on the lookout for the next challenge. I'm sure it will be an experience and a half."